Blog Feedback for Merissa Hamilton

Blog Feedback for Merissa Hamilton

Hi Melissa, 

This is such a fascinating blog post and I really enjoyed how your own work was seamlessly woven into the task. The visuals are extremely powerful and help with understanding the content but also act as a parallel narrative that take the ideas somewhere else (something you mentioned in relation to Linett’s post on disability I think). And thanks for introducing me your own practice while also highlighting the work of Sooraya Graham, which I hadn’t come across before. 

Personally I’m really interested in how language and other forms of visual communication can contain racial bias, and this is something I aim to address in my artefact project. As a result reading your thoughts the Slave Bible and doing some further reading myself has been really interesting. I would really like to reference your project in my reflection text if you would be willing to allow that?

Hi Matthew, 

Thank you for your feedback – I’m glad you found it thought-provoking and that you were able to discover the work of new artists! And yes, please feel free to reference this article in your reflective text.